Fire Home Insurance for California’s Central Sierra

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Nationwide Insurance logo
Nationwide Insurance logo
Nationwide Insurance logo

and many more…



Ability to


Love where

you Live

California’s Central Sierras are a beautiful place to live. It’s also a landscape shaped by wildfire and pressured by increased population.

Wildfires have driven many preferred insurance companies to non-renew and stop offering coverage to homes in the Sierra foothill and mountain areas.

New and existing Homeowners are facing many problems

  • Difficulty finding a company that will insure their home
  • Policies being non-renewed
  • Premiums increasing by 50-100%
  • Confusion comparing insurance policies
  • Not realizing that the California Fair Plan is very limited and most homeowners need an additional general policy
California Poppies

You DO have home insurance options

The insurance landscape is evolving and responding to past over-corrections.

The California Fair Plan has expanded coverage amounts.

Other insurance companies are returning to offering coverage in certain areas of the foothills and mountains.

Advantages of working with an Insurance Broker

We aren’t tied to the options of the company we work for. We’re able to match your insurance needs with a carrier(s) that best match your coverage needs and budget.

We are always on the lookout for new carriers returning to California

By not being beholden to one company, we’re able to help you find the best policy out there.